GDPR Compliant? 5
Phone contactable during work hours? 5
Originality? Do they offer something special? 5
Fair use of Trademarks & Trading names 5
Payment︱Contracts︱Agreements honor 5
Choir Leader Music Qualifications 5
Value for Money? 5

Run by local choir leader – Sally Creedon, This is the Cheshunt branch of the choir that started the contemporary choir movement from the UK and by extension an entire new arm of the music industry. It is the only choir that offers unlimited rehearsals each week across the UK and online. You can even learn to sign or Italian with them and more! For musicians – you get paid promptly. Song licences are sought and paid for. It’s genuinely innovative, genuinely award winning and wants to do good and it does – for the choir members, the musicians and music rights holders. Rock Choir gets the highest marks

Summary 5.0 great

Cheshunt Late

If you are pondering whether there is a ‘pop or gospel choir near me’ then you may be interested in the local Cheshunt Rock Choir.

The Cheshunt Rock Choir is led by local vocal coach Sally Creedon. We have a great year lined up and we would like to invite you to join our choir and take part in the local Cheshunt and wider Waltham Cross county community. We are the Cheshunt rehearsal of the trailblazing Rock Choir. We often team up with the other local Waltham Cross choirs to perform live in larger groups. These inspirational moments are unique to the Rock Choir experience. It’s unbelievable and you can still join the choir.

Rock Choir is the no audition, no need to read music choir and it was the first of its kind in the country. You can book yourself (and a friend if your feeling a bit nervous!) a FREE singing taster session before joining the choir. Just go to and you’ll find out all you need to know. You can also find out about Sally – your choir leader, and how to join the choir in Cheshunt.

Here is a quote about our choir – ‘I joined Rock Choir after being made redundant and being out of work for a year, so was feeling fairly low. Immediately I was greeted like an old friend and made to feel welcome. Since then I have gone on to meet new friends, have a great time every week and culminating to doing a solo at a local festival. If you’d have said to me a year ago I’d have the confidence to not only sing in front of people, but do a solo, I’d have told you not to be so silly. Rock Choir has become a v important part of my life, for the better.’ – Alex (Rock Choir member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon ‘Big Heart’ Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.

Once you’ve booked your own FREE taster session HERE! You can enjoy a Spotify listen below and please do follow us for more feel good music by clicking the 3 dots below!

**STOP PRESS** The world’s largest contemporary choir, Rock Choir, is gearing up to release not one, but two sensational singles in the official charts as the nation begins its countdown to Christmas. Both tracks will be released on the 6th December.

The first single, ‘Hallelujah’, features the Creator of Rock Choir, Caroline Redman Lusher, as the soloist. Her powerhouse vocals are accompanied by the dynamic, harmonious vocals of over 6,000 Rock Choir members. The accompanying video showcases emotional and striking footage of more than 3,000 Rock Choir members across the UK, capturing the joy and emotion of being part of the nation’s favourite choir experience. This uplifting video is a heartfelt celebration of the life-changing and transformative power of Rock Choir. With Caroline as the beating heart of the incredible Rock Choir phenomenon, she continues her mission to encourage everyone—regardless of experience or musical knowledge—to sing, positively impacting their happiness, health, and well-being.

The second single is the festive classic ‘What Christmas Means to Me’ by Stevie Wonder. This energetic, upbeat track radiates contagious joy and festive spirit, perfectly embodying the essence of Rock Choir! While the two tracks contrast in style and presentation, they symbolise the key ingredients that make Rock Choir the largest, original, and leading choir experience in the country.


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